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Tuesday 9 December 2014

This portrayal of Hawking is pure genius (and deserves an Oscar): BRIAN VINER reviews The Theory of Everything

Eddie Redmayne was joined by Stephen Hawking last night for the premiere of The Theory of Everything, in which he plays the physicist. Redmayne stars in the film with Felicity Jones as Hawking’s first wife Jane, in the tale of their early relationship and Hawking’s diagnosis with motor neurone disease. 
At 32, Eddie Redmayne has some successful years behind him and doubtless many more ahead, but there can only ever be one pinnacle of achievement in an actor’s career, and in The Theory of Everything, with his extraordinary performance as the great physicist Stephen Hawking, he has surely scaled it.
How Redmayne, not just able-bodied but downright pretty, twists himself into the famously blighted professor, and then projects the thought processes behind the disability, has to be seen to be believed.
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Eddie Redmayne with Professor Stephen Hawking at the UK premiere of The Theory of Everything 
Eddie Redmayne with Professor Stephen Hawking at the UK premiere of The Theory of Everything 
Redmayne, whose performance reviewer Brian Viner said needs to be seen to be believed, with Felicity Jones
Redmayne, whose performance reviewer Brian Viner said needs to be seen to be believed, with Felicity Jones
Miss Jones, left, with Jane Hawking, Redmayne and Hawking, pose for a group picture at the premiere
Miss Jones, left, with Jane Hawking, Redmayne and Hawking, pose for a group picture at the premiere
So if, in Los Angeles on February 22, this talented Old Etonian does not win the Academy Award for Best Actor, then an awful lot of people might be forced to eat their hats. Of course, it could yet be that he doesn’t even get nominated, but in that case the statuettes might as well be melted down, to realise their only remaining value. An emotional as well as physical tour de force, this is the performance of a lifetime.
And not only one lifetime, but two: the actor’s own, and that of his celebrated subject. Most of us know the great physicist and cosmologist for just two things, a broken body and a brilliant mind. But James Marsh’s wonderful film shows us many further dimensions of Hawking the man, full of passion, empathy, humour, and an irrepressible tendency to showboat.
The Theory of Everything is in essence a charming, deeply moving love story about Hawking’s relationship with his first wife Jane, but as stupendously good as he is, it is not carried by Redmayne alone. As Jane, on whose memoir Anthony McCarten’s screenplay is based, Felicity Jones is utterly splendid too. I thought her slightly miscast as Charles Dickens’ mistress Nelly Ternan in last year’s The Invisible Woman, but she is nigh on perfect in this role, as an English rose with a stem of steel.
The film begins at Cambridge University, where young Hawking is a formidably clever research student, his only physical limitations appearing to be occasional clumsiness – of the kind generally ascribed to being top-heavy with brains – and a habit of wearing his spectacles skew-whiff. The year is 1963, which according to the poet Philip Larkin was when sexual intercourse began, ‘between the end of the Chatterley ban and the Beatles’ first LP’.
Hawking with his wife Jane Wilde in 1965, and right, Redmayne reinacts the scene with Miss Jones
Redmayne, as Hawking, sits in his wheelchair at the seaside with Miss Jones during filming of the movie 
Redmayne, as Hawking, sits in his wheelchair at the seaside with Miss Jones during filming of the movie 
Hawking looks happy as he dips he feet in the sea during a family outing to the seaside
Hawking looks happy as he dips he feet in the sea during a family outing to the seaside
But if there is a sexual revolution brewing, it hasn’t reached Cambridge. Stephen’s wooing of Jane Wilde, a languages undergraduate, is irreproachably romantic and gentlemanly. They court beneath the stars at a May Ball. He takes her home to meet his family, over a Sunday roast.
It is only after his increasingly ungainly stride ends with a thumping fall that he is diagnosed with motor neurone disease, and initially given just two years to live. Jane shows her mettle and marries him anyway, declaring that they will fight this thing together. But Hawking’s father (nicely played by Simon McBurney), gently steers her towards the grim reality of the situation: ‘This will not be a fight, Jane. This is going to be a heavy defeat.’
Redmayne, right, and Harry Lloyd, who plays the part of Brian, enjoying a bike race in the movie
Redmayne, right, and Harry Lloyd, who plays the part of Brian, enjoying a bike race in the movie
The story of Hawking's life is full of romance, above Redmayne woos Miss Jones, at a dance
The story of Hawking's life is full of romance, above Redmayne woos Miss Jones, at a dance
Except he is wrong. The condition deteriorates, but the Hawkings learn to manage it, and have three children together. When after many years the marriage does begin to crumble – and Jane falls gradually, politely, almost in slow-motion, for her choirmaster Jonathan (the excellent Charlie Cox), who has become a devoted family friend – it is not another casualty of motor neurone disease. It is just a long marriage gone slightly awry, as some do.
There are heart-rending moments along the way, not least a scene in which a simple staircase presents a challenge to Hawking like the north face of the Eiger to a fell-walker, while his toddler son gazes silently down at him from behind a stair-gate.
It is one of many deeply poignant images in this film, yet they all gather together into something immensely positive and uplifting: a triumph of the human spirit over odds that few of us can even contemplate.

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