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Monday, 2 February 2015

Lena Dunham Shows Off Her Nipple Covers at the Golden Globes

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Before hitting the red carpet at the Golden Globes, Girls star Lena Dunham made sure her own girls were covered.

Jenni Konner, the executive producer of her hit HBO show, Instagrammed a photo of Lena, who was nominated for multiple awards last night, wearing nipple covers before the show. "#FREETHENIPPLE cover @lenadunham," she captioned the shot.

The 28-year-old writer, directer and actress must have brought a spare pair of nipple covers besides the ones she wore on her own boobs, because she was spotted goofing around with another set during the show.
Lena didn't win but she still had a blast at the afterparties by the looks of Instagram. Selena Gomez shared a photo of Lena, Lorde and Taylor Swift all hanging together at a post party.

Where was our invite?

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